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By clicking the above link you will be leaving the Winsford Anglers website, and going onto the Woodland Trust website. The woodland trust are in no way associated with Winsford Anglers


Badgers can be found near to several of our waters, as they usually locate their Setts near to a water source, Badger setts are protected in uk law, so blocking, digging, or tampering with a sett could get you in trouble with the law. But in the UK things are not always straight forward, as there have been Badger culls in Cheshire for several years, these culls were brought about by the farming community as the Badgers were blamed for spreading TB to farm cows, but the Cull has not reduced TB in cows and the studies that blamed the Badgers has been brought into question. when the current Government came to power they decided to end badger culls and not issue any new cull licences, but the current culls have been allowed to continue until their licences end in a few years time. most people only see a Badger when it has unfortunately been run over and dies at the roadside, any anglers out night fishing on our waters may hear badgers or if you are lucky you might see one, they are not dangerous to humans and are quite timid, please click on the link to the woodland trust website for more badger information 

By clicking the above link you will be leaving the Winsford Anglers website, and going onto the Woodland Trust website. The woodland trust are in no way associated with Winsford Anglers

Foxes are quite widespread across Cheshire, Fox hunting was banned in the UK in 2004, and Hunts are supposed to use a scent trail to carry out their sport, the hounds then follow the scent trail that has been laid, unfortunately hunts use a fox scent for the hounds to follow and inevitably the hounds find a real Fox scent and foxes get so called accidentally killed. Foxes can be seen at many of our waters, they are usually very shy and normally seen after dark, a vixen with cubs was seen last year on one water, the angler watched them playing in the field for quite some time. a fox became quite tame on one water taking food of anglers pegs, we do not encourage this as we dont want fox's getting used to be around people, as unfortunately not everyone likes them.  


By clicking the above link you will be leaving the Winsford Anglers website, and going onto the Woodland Trust website. The woodland trust are in no way associated with Winsford Anglers


By clicking the above link you will be leaving the Winsford Anglers website, and going onto the Woodland Trust website. The woodland trust are in no way associated with Winsford Anglers


 Winsford & District Anglers Association         established 1908 ©

2016 - 2025

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