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Valid for 2024/2025 Permits:

Night Permit sticker enables you to fish specific waters at night as defined in the current permit, the sticker can be used in conjunction with All permits, Just stick the sticker into the night sticker position in the back cover of your permit to be valid. (Please see the permit for booking a night session before arriving at a venue)

Adult members (Age 18 & over) may take a junior member (age 12-17) night fishing with them, but the junior must fish in the same peg as the adult, and only 1 rod is allowed for each adult and junior. Juniors may fish there own peg, but must purchase a night sticker, and must be booked on by the accompanying adult as per current rules. Juniors under 12 are not permitted to night fish any waters without explicit written consent from the committee.​ (Form availabe on the website) Night booking is not Required on the Rivers.

Night Fishing Sticker Upgrade 2024/25

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