River Weaver
Newbridge Island River Weaver pegs not numbered
Meadowbank; 1-35 This is not a WDAA Water, please contact Meadowbank Anglers
Vacuum; Pegs 36-75
National Pegs; 76-112
Ferry Steps; Pegs 113- 160
Red Lion; Pegs 161-193
Marina; Pegs; 194-213
Dockyard & Rilshaw; Pegs 214-231
Ways Green & Platts; no marked pegs
Aerosol; Pegs 553-569
Meadow Island; 570-597
Up to 3 Rods are allowed on all sections of River
provided you have the Correct EA Rod licence
Stretches that allow night fishing must be booked on the website
No Night fishing Allowed on Newbridge Island
Fishing available JUNE 16th to MARCH 14th
The association controls the fishing all around the bridge island and the two banks on the main road side. The fishing here can be good summer and winter, especially for the pike in winter, spinner or dead bait under the float working best. Skimmers and Roach the mainstay of the sport on the tip or pole ,and large perch patrol the walls.
The area was an intensive saltworks and the swing bridge is a reminder of the areas history. More details of the areas history can be found on the information boards around the weaver parkway, two of
which are located by the wdaa length of newbridge river.
This is the end of WDAA controlled lengths.

VACUMM Pegs 36-75
Fishing available June 16th to March 14th
Up to 48 hour night fishing allowed / booking required
Please make yourself aware of any match bookings prior to setting up, as you may be asked to make way for the match
Right behind the salt mines, this area is very popular with dog walkers and cyclists, so beware of your pole and do not block the path on the 'bend'. Large Carp and Pike inhabit this slow, deep length, and the usual shoals of Bream, Eels and Roach, plus the occasional Tench. Spinning or deadbaits for the Pike and boily on the far margins for the Carp as they pass through. Feeder or pole for the skimmers and Bream.
Public notice boards on the top of the bank give some insight into the areas salt history and are well worth a look.
Access is either from Newbridge, or the National car park,a key is required for the car park.
A trolley or barrow is advised.
Night fishing is available for 48hrs. booking on is required

Fishing Available June 16th to March 14th
Up to 48 hour night fishing allowed / booking required
Please make yourself aware of any match bookings prior to setting up, as you may be asked to make way for the match
Postcode CW7 3AL
This is a main match length, regular with the clubs because of the regular catches of roach, bream and skimmers to double figures.
Pole or feeder work, also holds good pike and occasional carp. High banks underfoot and a few swims are currently closed by the
Park Rangers due to unstable banking . Again very popular with cyclists and dog walkers.
Access is from the National car park for which a key is required for the track down to the car park.
Night fishing available for 48hrs Booking on is required, but be aware of the match bookings.

FERRY STEPS Pegs 113-160
Fishing Available June 16th to MARCH 15th
Up to 48 hour night fishing allowed / booking required
Please make yourself aware of any match bookings prior to setting up, as you may be asked to make way for the match
Postcode CW7 3BU
The river here is in the weaver parkway, so expect walkers,dogs and bikes! It holds bream shoals, that may not show until the evening, and also is a good area for the carp that pass through, with most pellets and boilies working.
Parts of the old bankings remain in places as this area used to be a crowded salt industry and it can be deep close in. Evidence is all along the river of its Victorian history . It has also harbored odd large eels in the past. Roach,perch,tench and pike are also present. Beware of passing barges when targeting the carp or multiple rod setups. Do NOT use a bivvy, open faced
umbrellas or ovals only to be used and do not set up on the path! Parts of the Weaver parkway may be used from time to time for public
events such as the festivals. All attempts will be made to post any dates on here as and when known.
Night fishing is available for 48hrs booking on required, fishing is at your own risk.
Access is from the rear of the Red lion pub or from the car parks near the Rangers office at Weaver valley road.
A trolley or barrow is seriously advised.
RED LION Pegs 161- 193
(163 to 165 are closed as they are dangerous.)
Fishing available June 16th to March 14th
NO NIGHT FISHING on the Red lion Section
Postcode CW7 3AA
The river now enters the Weaver navigation, deepening and here roach and bream make up the bulk of the match weights,
either pole or feeder working.
The canalisation of the river weaver through here down was completed in 1732 to aid the expanding salt industry in transporting goods to and from winsford.
Also a favourite with the pike anglers as fish to 30lb are present following the shoals. Carp are also present to over 20lb. The Red Lion pub is the start to the Weaver valley parkway and leads the angler down through the park alongside the river.
Parts of the Weaver parkway may be used from time to time for public events such as the festivals. All attempts will be made to post any dates on here as and when known.
Access is from the rear of the Red lion pub or from the rangers cabin
near Morrisons (be aware this is a long walk so a trolley or barrow is needed! ) .
MARINA Pegs 194-213
fishing available June 16th to March 14th
No Night Fishing on the Marina
Post code CW7 3DA
The river leaves Bottom Flash and enters the Marina returning to a river proper. Deepening and flowing this stretch holds roach and skimmer shoals, Ruffe, perch and Rudd, these are the start of the main match lengths offering good sport all the season round. The inlet behind is shallow and silty but holds Tench and carp as well as some hybrids and the usual species, and also lots of ducks! This area has been decked out for barges so expect to see a lot of them !
The river bends round and then straightens under the two traffic island bridges. This short stretch is packed with fish ,especially during the colder months, where roach and skimmer bags to 30lb are possible and is well match fished. It also attracts large pike to 30lb and numerous smaller ones so is worth the effort between the regular matches. The Marina island area is also a venue for local town events and popular
with the general public and canoe centre, therefore in the warmer months there can be a lot of boat traffic and public. Events will be posted on here if possible as it will become necessary to close the stretch to fishing
for the duration of the event! Planned events are................... The Hive Fringe festival and Winsford Salt fair and regatta The Marina car park lies alongside the A54. From the large Marina car park the angler follows the path behind Dockhouse for access to the Dockyard and Rilshaw Meadows which produces quality bags of bream, especially when the river is clouded and in flood. Access can also be obtained to the Platts field and Ways Green section by crossing the traffic island bridge and following the river bank round the back
of the houses, there is no fishing on this side until the marked pegs just before the gate.
open 12 months
Up to 48 hour night fishing allowed / booking required
Please make yourself aware of any match bookings prior to setting up, as you may be asked to make way for the match
postcode CW7 3DA
Here the river is a wide shallow flash, and is classed as a still water hence fishing is allowed all year round.
After the crossing at the bottom of stocks stairs from which the town got its name ( wynes ford ),
flooded due to the collapse of surface ground into underground voids caused by the mining industry sometime between 1845 to 1880.
Rilshaw is very popular in the summer with the public and boaters.The 'bottom flash' holds pike, bream and roach, eels and perch,
with the occasional tench and carp. Rilshaw lane then joins the Dockyard length which the Association own, and has large beds of reeds in which the pike spawn in february, so pike sport can be good running up to this event . This area creates a 'back eddy' so snags can appear or disappear with every flood. Depths have swallowed over the last two decades due to silt washed down from the upper weaver's constant erosion and middle flash has long since disappeared to become a wetland marsh for birdlife, with lots f
varieties and bottom flash itself is a magnet for hoards of canadian geese and unfortunately cormorants.
Carp are present to over 20lb .
Tip rod will score for the bream, and especially for a pleasure session prebaiting can bring good rewards done correctly with bonus tench frequent. No keepnets to be used during the close season under any circumstances.
Night fishing is available for up to 48hrs with the appropriate Night Fishing permit stamp.
You must book night sessions on the website
Remember that the bailiffs can now ask to see your rod license as well. No unauthorized cutting of swims.
Access is from the Marina car park alongside the A54 or from Rilshaw lane open access car park. A trolley or barrow is advised .
12 Months fishing allowed
up to 72 hour Night Fishing allowed
no marked pegs
NO Day Tickets
Postcode CW7 4AS
The flash here is the opposite bank to the Rilshaw and Dockyard length but it is deeper over this side and offer bream roach eel and hybrid fishing on the feeder.Carp are found around the snags in the areas where the loaded barges were sank after the end of the victorian salt works that lined the river downstream. Dead-baits and lures work for pike. The bay at the end of the field although shallow has over the years produced it's fair share of carp and tench, WDAA fishing rights end at the caravan park fence. Platts field is adjoining Ways Green and although marshy due to the stream that falls through here, still offers good bream and carp fishing.
Off the floor Barbecues are allowed on Ways green as long as used coals are taken home
No fishing on this side until the marked pegs just before the public gate.
Please note
No keepnets to be used during the close season under any circumstances. 15th March to 15th June
Night fishing is available for up to 72hrs with a night stamp attached to your permit card.
Remember that the bailiffs can now ask to see your rod license as well. Access is from cow lane , or from the marina
car park alongside the A54, crossing the traffic island bridge by foot.

AEROSOL Pegs 553-569
NO NIGHT FISHING along this stretch
Fishing allowed June 16th to March 14th
postcode CW7 2PA
This length is opposite the Red lion and Ferry steps length and it is accessed via Bradford Road with parking off the road in a
small car park.From here walk right along the bank of the old inlet and behind Codona's park where banks are quiet and wooded.
Wide and deep, holds bream shoals and roach to pole and feeder. Occasional carp can be caught using boily or pellet and resident
pike through the winter months. The inlet is deep with silt and holds tench ,eels and carp. This area used to be used for loading salt barges. Originally the river ran through here and around the salt piles. Pegs along the main length are ideally suited to match angling.
Due to the park there is no night fishing on this length. Going left off the car park gives access to Meadow island
length where night fishing is allowed with the right permits. 3 rods can be used. Be aware of match fixtures.
£4 Day tickets are available all year round on on line or on the bank at £5 from the bailiffs. dawn till dusk only,
No night fishing.
MEADOW ISLAND Pegs 570 - 597
Fishing Allowed June 16th to March 14th
Up to 48 hour night fishing allowed / booking required
Please make yourself aware of any match bookings prior to setting up, as you may be asked to make way for the match
Postcode CW7 2PA
The opposite side to the weaver parkway, a nice length on the road to the salt mine, quite close parking and not as public as the ferry steps length so more suitable for the less agile of us. This length is renowned for its reliability during floods to be fishable. The mainstay of sport is for the match or pleasure angler seeking bream and skimmers, with good carp and pike moving through
from time to time. Roach,eels and perch also,with feeder or pole working best Meadow island is separated from the aerosol length by a small inlet, fairly deep and stinking black silt on the bottom, this is the remnants of the old river course
which was used as a barge dockyard and salt loading area. Nevertheless, it still holds good fish from time to time.
Night fishing is available for 48hrs to anglers with the appropriate stamp
but NOT in the inlet or on the Aerosol length, there is a residential park here.
Be aware of the regular match bookings.
All night sessions must be booked on the website