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Winsford Anglers Angling Times și reguli generale

Următoarele sunt orele de începere și de sfârșit la care aveți voie să pescuiți pe apă, indiferent dacă pescuiți sau nu

Pescuitul de noapte

Orele pentru toate apele de pescuit nocturn sunt după cum urmează

Sosirea este la ora 12, apoi plecarea la ora 12 la sfarsitul sedintei

Aceasta înseamnă că nu trebuie să ajungeți la înot înainte de ora 12 și trebuie să plecați până la ora 12 la sfârșitul sesiunii.

Apoi nu aveți voie să vă întoarceți la aceeași apă timp de 24 de ore.

Pescuit în timpul zilei

Timpurile sunt după cum urmează


The following are the starting and finishing times. Members can arrive or must be off the water within the times stated.

This applies if you are fishing or spectating
April to October 3.30 am to 10pm
November to March 6.30am to 10pm

Top Flash, Kitchen Meadow and Top Flash River Weaver 6.30 am to 10pm 
Winsford & District Angling Association General Rules

1. Annual Fees and Subscriptions.
Permits are valid from 1st June to 31st May each year.

Individual Permit Prices
Adult Members aged 18 to 64 - £50

Juniors aged up to age 17 - £5
Spectators - £5
Over 65's aged 65 and over - £25

Concession Permit £25
Night Permit Sticker - £30 (For all night fishing waters)
Closed season sticker - £50


Affiliated Clubs
Affiliated Club Fee - £15 annually
Affiliated Club Adult Members - £45
Affiliated Club Over 65’s - £25

Under 12 years old must be accompanied by a WDAA Permit holder, adult, over 65’s or spectators can accompany under 12’s.

All permits are to be made available during May each year.
The Winsford and District Angling Association permit gives a member the rights to fish on Association waters, but it remains the property of the Association and the right is reserved to refuse issue or to confiscate it. Any Permit not marked with the name and address and
photograph of the member shall be invalid.

2. General Rules
2.1 All members shall observe the proper closed season on Rivers Weaver, Dane, and Severn (15th March to15th June).

2.2 Anglers should note that Winsford and District Angling Association do not accept any liability whatsoever for damage to property or injury to persons who may be angling, gaining access for angling, or spectating. Consequently, all use of facilities offered by the association is at members or spectator’s own risk.
2.3 Permits must be always carried whilst fishing, anglers who cannot produce a permit may be asked to leave.
2.4 Anyone found to be poaching on our waters will not be allowed membership of the Association.
2.5 Anyone found to be removing or transferring fish from our waters will face disciplinary action.
2.6 Fishing in the Association waters with a line NOT connected to a rod or pole is prohibited.
2.7 Anglers must not leave a rod and line unattended with its bait or hook in the water.
2.8 Unless mutually agreed anglers must fish on separate marked pegs where possible or allow at least 10 yards space on the riverbank or poolside between themselves and the next adjoining angler.
a. No angling is allowed between pegs. The creation of new pegs is strictly forbidden, as is the cutting of branches and damaging of trees.

2.9 Members are requested to cooperate with Association bailiffs and officials and to comply with their reasonable requests. If asked members must produce, for inspection, their WDAA permit and Rod Licence to any person with reasonable grounds to request it.
2.10 No spectators are allowed on our waters at any time unless they are in possession of a Spectator permit.
2.11 Dogs must not accompany anglers fishing.
2.12 All fish must be returned to the water from which they were caught.

Keepnets may be used in Association waters with the following exceptions:
a. During the close season (March 15th to June 15th inclusive)
b. No barbel to be placed in keepnets apart from in genuine matches.
c. Keepnets but must be at least 2 metres long by 45cm wide.
d. All nets must conform to EA bylaws and shall be of a knotless construction.

2.13 Retention of specimen fish/carp 
a. No specimen fish/carp to be placed in keepnets or carp sacks. Retention slings may be used for up to 30 minutes to allow for fish recovery.
b. Specimen fish may be weighed using an appropriate weigh sling, photographing is allowed, but the fish must be returned to the water as soon as possible.
2.14 Camping on the land adjoining the Association’s waters and the use of tents is prohibited except with the express consent of the riparian owner.
2.15 To avoid disturbing others, portable radios/music players may only be used with headphones.
2.16 Times of fishing are as shown on the inside front cover of the permit unless special times apply to individual waters.
2.17 Members must use a landing net that is adequate for the species they are fishing for.
2.18 Members fishing for carp, pike or barbel must also have an appropriate unhooking mat or cradle.

2.19 The following are permitted on Association waters.
a. Barbless or micro-barbed hooks only, treble hooks should be barbless. 
b. Three rods may be used on Top Flash and the River Weaver; all other waters have a two-rod maximum.
c. NOTE: If you intend fishing with three rods you must by law also purchase an adequate Environment Agency rod licence.
d. Smoke tins are allowed but must be kept off the ground.

2.20 The following are NOT permitted on Association waters.
a. Alcohol
b. Illegal drugs.
c. Tin cans or glass jars or glass bottles.
d. Peanuts and tiger nuts.
e. Lead core line or tungsten leaders.
f. Boga grips or gaffs.
g. Fires.
h. Disposable barbecues.
i. Bait boats.
j. Camping Tents.

2.21 Leaving of litter will not be tolerated on any of our waters, if you are fishing a peg that already has litter present it must be picked up and removed and anyone found to be ignoring this rule may face disciplinary action.
2.22 Do not discard hooks or fishing line of any type or length, take it home and dispose of it correctly.
2.23 Human Faeces!!!/Solid Waste Anglers must not foul the bankside at any time. If you must go use a bag/bucket system and take it home for disposal. Anyone found leaving a mess on the bankside or leaving bags of waste will face disciplinary action.

2.24 Work Parties
a. Members can volunteer to attend any of the advertised work parties.
b. Work parties may take place at any time of the year, the dates for work parties will be announced on our social media platforms and the news page on our website.
c. Affiliated club members can volunteer to attend work parties, these will be arranged directly between the affiliated club and the fisheries manager and will usually take place around the closed season.
d. Over 65’s and Juniors are exempt from work parties and can fish any waters that are open all year round.

2.25 The following rules apply to pike anglers:
a.There shall be no deliberate pike angling outside of the pike season (1st October to 14th March).
b. Pike/lure anglers must use barbless hooks (with the exception of the bait holding hook).
c. Correct handling equipment must be carried including decent forceps and wire cutting pliers.
d. Any angler using “fish” baits must use wire traces.
e. A landing net appropriate for the species target must be used.

2.26 No pre-baiting allowed on any lakes or pools, you may only put bait into the water whilst you are fishing.

2.27 Restricted close season waters Some still waters will be closed to adult members during April and May each year. To fish during this period adult members must have a closed season sticker fixed in the back of their permits to fish these waters. A closed season sticker can be purchased from the website and certain outlets. 
Please contact the fisheries manager for further information.

3. Match Fishing.
3.1 No club match will be allowed on the same day as any Association match.
3.2 Applicants must give notice to the Association Match Secretary, stating the date of the contest, the length of water required, the time of the match and estimated number of competitors.
3.3 Nails or pins shall not be used for marking out purposes.
3.4 The match must not exceed more than 5 hours duration.
3.5 At least 7 days’ notice must be given to the Match Secretary for cancellation of any booked match.
3.6 Booked matches have priority of water and any member not engaged in the match must remove to 30 yards from the match length if requested so to do by the captain or referee engaged in the match.
3.7 In respect of matches of non-affiliated bodies or open matches run by affiliated bodies, the fee charged shall be £3.00 per peg and shall be paid at the time of booking. A minimum of 10 pegs to be paid for.
3.8 Affiliated club bookings can be made after October 1st in any year for the following season.
3.9 Outside match bookings can be made after January 1st in the year of booking.
3.10 All Affiliated Clubs are limited to eight free matches per year. Any extra matches to be paid for.
3.11 No match fishing will be allowed on any water between 15th March and 15th June each year.
3.12 At all Trophy and Winter League matches the team captains will be held responsible for their team members to be in possession of an Environment Agency Rod Licence. Any individual who is found not to be in possession of the relevant licence will be disqualified.
3.13 Top Flash matches are only permitted on alternative weeks on pegs 1 to 20.
3.14 Top Flash matches have a 40lb keepnet limit, multiple nets must be used if required.

4. Association Cups and Trophies (Special Matches)
4.1 John Blackburn, Hallmark, Ledwards & Jack Swift Trophies Teams to consist of 5 Association members.

5. Match Rules
5.1 Association permits must be shown when making the draw for Association matches.
5.2 Peg placing in minimum of 15 yards (13.5 Metres) apart.
5.3 Anglers are allowed to plumb the depth of the water before the start of the match.
5.4 No recognised bait should be banned except for lures and live fish. 
5.5 Up to two hooks may be used.
5.6 Any number of rods may be set up, only one to be baited and used at any one time.
5.7 Any angler may leave his/her peg provided they do not interfere with or annoy any other angler. All lines must be removed from the water if the angler leaves his/her peg.
5.8 Catapults and throwing sticks to be allowed.
5.9 Team or club to be nominated by the angler at the draw, any angler failing to do so will fish as an individual.
5.10 Pools must be entered before the draw.
5.11 If the Match Secretary or his stipulated deputy considers a peg to be unfishable, the angler may draw another peg.
5.12 Any complaint must be referred to the steward immediately. No action can be taken if left until after the match.
5.13 Any angler reported as breaking a rule, shall be automatically disqualified from the match except if ruled otherwise by the Match Secretary or his stipulated deputy at that match. The angler to be given the right of appeal to the Committee.
5.14 Fish will only be weighed in if kept in keepnets. (No buckets or plastic bags or carp sacks allowed). Fish must be weighed using a match weigh sling, precautions must be taken to avoid fish damage.
5.15 Any angler with litter on his/her peg will not be weighed in.

6. Night Fishing
6.1 Night fishing must be booked online at: or on the Wix Spaces App, and can be booked up to five days in advance. Once booked if you cannot make it to your booked session, please cancel it on the website so another angler can book the space. This applies to (Top Flash, Newpool, Marton Hole, Tommy’s Hole, and Newbridge Pool, River Weaver Winsford, River Weaver Acton Bridge, bottom flash).

(Booking is not required for River Dane).
6.2 Failure to cancel night session bookings if you cannot attend will lead to suspension from night fishing”.
6.3 For night fishing, members must be in possession of their WDAA permit with a valid night sticker stuck inside the back cover of the permit.
6.4 No members that have booked a night fishing session are allowed on the water before 12 noon and must vacate their peg by 12 noon the next day or at the end of the session if 48 hours.
6.5 Spectators that wish to stay overnight with an angler that has a night booking must have a Spectator Permit with a night Stamp/Sticker attached inside the rear cover of the Spectator Permit, spectators do not need to book a night session for any waters. Spectators
that do not have a night sticker must leave the water at the end of normal daytime fishing hours.
6.6 Carp/Specimen fish may be retained for up to 30 minutes to allow for fish recovery.
6.7 Retention for any other purpose including photography is NOT allowed
6.8 Torches are allowed to be used during the night, but their use must be kept to a minimum. They may be used for baiting etc, but please keep lights and torches off as much as possible to avoid spooking fish, annoying other anglers, or residents.
6.9 Night fishing should only be carried out using a shelter designed for fishing. (i.e. NO TENTS).
6.10 No bivvies or Bedchairs allowed on the River Severn.
6.11 Please refer to general rule 2.23, Human Faeces!!!/ Solid Waste, anglers must not foul the bankside at any time if you must go use a bag / bucket system and take it home for disposal. Anyone found leaving a mess on the bankside or leaving bags of waste will face disciplinary action.
6.12 All other WDAA rules still apply.
6.13 Adult members (Age 18 and over) may take a junior member (age 12 to 17) night fishing with them, but the junior must fish in the same peg as the adult, and only one rod is allowed for each adult and junior.
6.14 Juniors may fish their own peg, but must purchase a night sticker, and must be booked on by the accompanying adult as per current rules. The junior must remain in proximity the accompanying adult preferably on an adjacent peg.
6.15 Juniors under 12 are not permitted to night fish any waters without explicit written consent from the committee.
You can download the consent form from the website and submit it for approval.

a. Members must not vacate the water between the hours of 10pm and 6.30am, unless in the event of a serious emergency.
b. The landowner has requested that night anglers leave their vehicles in the top car park adjacent to the bungalow. Although it is permitted to drive down to the flash to drop off and pick up fishing tackle. No vehicles at the poolside after sunset. Poolside car park is closed October to January and may be closed during wet weather.
c. Do not drive down to the pool in wet conditions. The owner does not want vehicles getting stuck.
d. When Juniors are fishing on the same peg as the accompanying adult, the adult may fish two rods and the Junior one rod.
e. All other WDAA rules still apply.


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